What Nicki Minaj for her boyfriend

It seems that the international star Nikki Mnyaz Nicki Minaj has split from her boyfriend Mick miShy and weak Mill Ahtvalhma days from the day after her birthday, and after the relationshipbegan last year. 
Star has published on one of its pages in social networking places/locations image attached tosuspend it wrote: "Thank you, Lord, I've got rid of it and finally fired the bullet has Taktitk." 
It is interesting that the rapper Shy and weak has a habit/desire to cancel his account on theapplication Anstaqram the same day that Nikki has hinted it for (breaking off from another country). 
The Nikkei had written comment on an open image of Chanel shoes, as many of the pictures thatshow her charms published. 
It is important that Menage, was celebrating her 34th on the eighth of this month, where shespent a holiday on the beach picked up her Shy and weak, (old/allowed to get old/got older) 29 years, many of the images. 

Adele best in the distribution of BBC awards (formal, special event or series of actions) 

For the second in-a-row year, international star Adele Adele won the majority in the distributionof BBC Music Awards (formal, special event or series of actions) held Monday evening in theBritish capital London. 
And got Adele, who did not attend the (formal, special event or series of actions), the two majorawards, namely Best Song for "Hello" award and the award for (collection of songs/book for inserting pictures) of the year for her (collection of songs/book for inserting pictures) "25". 
In a special message which Adele said now located in Los Angeles, "I apologize for the lack ofattendance ... it was a long year of traveling, but this award ease the feeling of (love of the past)for the homeland." 
And in the footsteps of Adele (not there; not present) Coldplay British rock group for the (formal, special event or series of actions), but they accepted the award "Best Artist" They are on stage atthe (formal, special event or series of actions) in Australia. 
Chris Martin Chris Martin team member said in a video message from Union Stadium inMelbourne "We regret that we are not there, we love you and are thankful to you and see youvery soon." 
And it got broke up and moved away The 1975 prize on the Radio 1 Live Lounge Performance forthe song What Makes You Beautiful One Direction's. 
It referred to the BBC Music Awards, which was held in its third session, designed to celebratethe (challenging things accomplished or completed) and talent in music within the UK and (in other countries).


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